Gearing up for Sports Day with a pair of Velarof

As the seasons change, we like to look ahead and prepare ourselves for the coming transitions. 

The second Monday of October is a day that’s etched into our calendars as Sports Day, but it also marks the point in time that Japan’s heavy rain season, which begins at the end of summer, finally comes to an end.

Formerly celebrated on October 10th, Sports Day has been established as a public holiday in Japan since 1966. Put in place to commemorate the Tokyo Olympic Games, which were held on October 10th 1964, it sees many sports events being held across the country. It’s a day to be conscious of being active and cultivating a healthy body and mindset. 

At Velarof, we enjoy that October is still considered a month for outdoor exercise. It provides added joy to a season that’s already renowned for comforts such as reading, art, home-cooked foods and harvest. With so many activities and healthy habits to explore, Autumn is one of our most prized seasons and we value its focus on joy and wellbeing. 

Because Autumn brings with it so many things, many people see Autumn as the ‘Autumn of appetite’. For others, it’s the ‘Autumn of art’ or ‘Autumn of reading’, while other people view the season as the ‘Autumn of harvest’. With Sports Day such a prominent day in Japan’s calendar, the season is also the ‘Autumn of sports’ for many natives.

Whatever Autumn means to you, what better way is there to embrace this seasonal transition than with a pair of Velarof underwear? Designed with super-soft fabrics and eclectic prints, our collection is thoughtfully designed to promote confidence, assurance and refinement.

One of the designs we’re handpicking for an ‘Autumn of contentment’ is Yen Joy. Influenced by Japan’s history and culture, it combines a kanji-inspired pattern created by Edo-period artist, Ogata Kōrin with the Paulownia Crest, one of Japan’s most prominent emblems. 

In an optimistic colour scheme of light blue with hints of vibrant pinks, yellows and oranges, it’s a design that stands out for all the best reasons with its branded waistband and perfect fit promising supreme comfort all day long. 

So, as we near the arrival of Autumn and Sports Day, follow our journey on Instagram and share your experiences with us. The season really is a special one—particularly if you’re wearing a pair of Velarof underwear.

Which sports will you embrace this Sports Day?